About the exhibition

About the exhibition

Lecture series In Situ: “To Go Further”

The Pierre and Nicolas Pithou Study and Research Center of Troyes is offering a series of 16 lectures, In Situ. Objective: To highlight works that could not be included in the exhibition. The five presenters are specialists on the subject and the period and are all members of the scientific committee or are scientific advisers for the exhibition “The Remarkable 16th,” and co-authors of the exhibition’s catalogue.

- Wednesday, June 24 – 6:30 p.m
The Royal Collegiate Church of Saint-Etienne and its Jube (Chancel screen)
By Jacky Provence, Historian agrégé, President of the Pithou Center.
Introduction to lecture series In Situ.
Troyes, Petit-Louvre Auditorium (1, rue Linard-Gonthier).

- Friday, June 26 – 8:30 p.m
The Sixteenth Century in Sculpture: Rumilly-lés-Vaudes
By Véronique Boucherat, Professor of Medieval Art History at the University of Paris X, Nanterre.
With the collaboration of the Rumilly-lés-Vaudes Tourism Bureau.
Rumilly-lés-Vaudes (10), Saint-Martin Church.

- Friday, July 3 – 9:00 p.m
A Museum of Sculpture from the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century?
By Marion Boudon-Machuel, Professor at the François Rabelais University of Tours, scientific adviser to the National Institute of Art History, editor-in-chief of the journal Perspective.
Troyes (10), Saint-Pantaléon Church

- Saturday, July 4 – 2:00 p.m
The Sixteenth Century in Sculpture: Villemaur-sur-Vanne
By Véronique Boucherat, Professor of Medieval Art History at the University of Paris X, Nanterre.
With the collaboration of the Association for the Historic and Artistic Preservation of Villemaur-sur-Vanne.
Villemaur-sur-Vanne (10), Notre-Dame-de l’Assomption Church.

- Thursday, July 16 – 8:30 p.m
Discovering Sixteenth-Century Sculpture in Bar-sur-Aube and the Surrounding Area
By Pierre E. Leroy, Honorary Lecturer at the Collège de France. With the collaboration of the Albert Gabriel Library.
Bar-sur-Aube (10), Saint-Pierre Church.

- Friday, July 17 – 9:00 pm
The Christs of the Saint-Nicolas Loft
By Marion Boudon-Machuel, Professor at the François Rabelais University in Tours, scientific adviser to the National Institute of Art History, editor-in-chief of the journal Perspective.
Troyes (10), Saint-Nicolas Church.

- Saturday, July 18 – 4:30 p.m
Discovering Sixteenth-Century Sculpture in Brienne and the Surrounding Area
By Pierre E. Leroy, Honorary Lecturer at the Collège de France.
With the collaboration of the Association for the Preservation of Brienne-le-Château Heritage.
Brienne-le-Château (10), meeting room of the town hall.

- Friday, September 4 – 9:00 p.m
The Reliefs of Saint -Etienne and the Life of the Virgin
By Jacky Provence, Historian agrégé, President of the Pithou Center.
With the collaboration of the Friends of Etienne.
Bar-sur-Seine (10), Saint-Etienne Church.

- Tuesday, September 8 – 6:30 p.m
Images and Image-Makers of the Sixteenth Century: The Contribution of the Archives
By Jacky Provence, Historian agrégé, President of the Pithou Center.
In partnership with the General Council of Aube and its Departmental Archive service.
Troyes (10), Archives départementales de l’Aube, 131, rue Etienne Pedron.

- Saturday, September 12 – 2:00 p.m
The Sixteenth Century in Sculpture: Chaource
By Véronique Boucherat, Professor of Medieval Art History at the University of Paris X, Nanterre.
With the collaboration of the Chaource Maison de la Jeunesse et de la Culture.
Chaource (10), Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church.

- Saturday, September 12 – 4:30 p.m
Discovering Sixteenth-Century Sculpture in Ramerupt and the Surrounding Area
By Pierre E. Leroy, Honorary Lecturer at the Collège de France, followed by a visit to the church.
With the collaboration of the Ramerupt Culture, Recreation, and Sports Committee.
Ramerupt (10), municipal festival hall.

- Saturday, September 19 – 4:30 p.m
Discovering Sixteenth-Century Sculpture in Chavanges and the Surrounding Area
By Pierre E. Leroy, Honorary Lecturer at the Collège de France.
With the collaboration of the Friends of Chavangeois Heritage.
Chavanges (10), Lavigne barn.

- Saturday, September 19 – 6:00 p.m
Elyon d’Amoncourt, Prior and Patron of Fouchères
By Jacky Provence, Historian agrégé, President of the Pithou Center.
With the collaboration of the Fouchères Heritage Assocation.
Fouchères (10), Notre-Dame Church.

- Friday, September 25 – 6:30 p.m
Sainte-Anne in Champagne: Visitations: the Education of the Virgin
By Geneviève Bresc-Bautier, General Curator of the Sculpture Department at the Louvre Museum and President of the scientific committee for “The Remarkable 16th” exhibition.
With the collaboration of the MAT.
Troyes (10), Troyes Area Library (reception hall).

- Tuesday, October 6 – 6:30 p.m
Renaissance of a City and its Country: Troyes in the Sixteenth Century
By Jacky Provence, Historian agrégé, President of the Pithou Center.
In partnership with the Aube General Council and its Departmental Archives service.
Troyes (10), Archives départementales de l’Aube, 131, rue Etienne Pédron.

- Saturday, October 17 – 2:00 p.m
Inventorying, Understanding, Restoring and Presenting: Sixteenth-Century Sculptures in Champagne
By Pierre E. Leroy, Honorary Lecturer at the Collège de France. At the invitation of SACSAM.
Châlons-en-Champagne (51), Malta Room.

Conferences at the Centre for sculptors’ tools and creative art

- Thursday, 14th May 2009
Renovation of the Saint-Jean-au-marché church
By Eric Pallot, Chief Architect for Historical Monuments.
Following a several years-long renovation project, the Saint-Jean-au-marché church, which acts as host to "The Remarkable 16th" exhibition, is presented to you by its very own master-builder: a vast and fascinating venture enhancing the cultural heritage of Troyes.

- Thursday, 24th September 2009
For an Artist’s Moral Philosophy and Code of Ethics.
By Georges Kliemann, sculptor.

All conferences below will be held at the Local History Museum.

Local History Museum
3, rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau
10 800 Saint-Julien-les-Villas
Tel: 03 25 82 59 45
Fax: 03 25 82 88 59

By bus: numbers 3, 4 and 11 By car: Direction Saint-Julien-les-Villas / town centre / nearby car park

> See the list of conferences
> Lessons for the general public at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine [Centre for Architecture and Local History]
> Conferences on Europe in the 16th century

List of conferences:

Tuesday 7th April – 6.15pm
Sculpture in Champagne during the second half of the 16th century
By Marion Boudon-Machuel, counsellor for science at the Institut national d’Histoire de l’Art [National Institute for the History of Art]
Conference organised by Les Amis des Musées d’Art et d’Histoire of Troyes [Friends of the Troyes Art and History Museums]
Further enquiries: Tel: 03 25 76 21 60

- Tuesday 5th May – 6.15pm
16th century art in northern Champagne
By Maxence Hermant, Curator at the Bibliothèque nationale de France [French National Library]
Conference organised by the Friends of the Troyes Art and History Museums
Further enquiries: Tel: 03 25 76 21 60

- Tuesday 19th May – 6.15pm
16th century paintings of Champagne
By Patrick Le Chanu, counsellor for museums at the DRAC Champagne-Ardenne [Regional Department of Cultural Affairs]

- Tuesday 2nd June – 6.15pm
Behind the scenes of the exhibition
By Chrystelle Laurent, Curator of Antiques and Art Objects, in charge of the local history project for the General Council of the Aube, General Commissioner.
Conference organised by Friends of the Troyes Art and History Museums
Further enquiries: Tel: 03 25 76 21 60

- Saturday 20th June
16th century architecture through postcards
By Catherine Robinet.

Lessons for the general public at the Centre for Architecture and Local History

- School of Chaillot
16th century architecture in France and in Europe
By reservation only on 03 25 82 59 45
Local History Museum auditorium From 6.30pm till 8pm, Wednesdays 18th March, 25th March, 1st April, 8thApril and 15th April.

Screening of public courses on architecture and urbanism from 16th - 18th century by the City of Architecture.
Thursdays 6pm. Free admission.
   - The monarchy in masterpieces: 14th May
   - Scholarly ambitions: 4th June
   - From the fortified castle to the manor house: 17th September

Conferences on Europe in the 16th century

- Wednesday 14th January – 6.30pm
Francis Ist
By Sylvie le Clech, Director of Science at the Fontainebleau National Archives site

- Wednesday 21st January – 6.30pm
The beginnings of Russian autocracy
By Vladimir Bérélowitch, Head of Studies at the EHESS [School of Social Sciences] and Professor at the University of Geneva.

- Wednesday 11th March – 6.30pm
Henri III or the monarchy’s power crisis during the age of religious wars
By Nicolas le Roux, Professor of Modern History, University Lumière-Lyon 2.

- Wednesday 13th May – 6.30pm
Rudolph II of Hapsburg (1552-1612). The lone emperor
By Thomas Nicklas, Professor of Modern History, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

- Wednesday 27th May – 6.30pm
Calvin and France
By Bernard Cottret, Professor at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

- Wednesday 3rd June – 6.30pm
Philippe II of Spain and the arts
By Sylvène Edouard, Lecturer in Modern History, University Jean-Moulin-Lyon III.

- Wednesday 10th June
Neo-gothic religious gold and silverware
By Marie Glock, Curator for Cultural Heritage at the General Council of Moselle.
In partnership with the 6th Art and Spirituality Festival.

- Saturday 20th June
16th century architecture in postcards
By Catherine Robinet, Troyes Academy of Postcard Studies.

- Wednesday 7th October
The Council of Trent and art
By Marie Viallon, University Professor at the Faculty of Languages, University of Jean-Moulin-Lyon III.

- Wednesday 14th October
Eleanor of Austria
By Michel Combet, Research Professor, Lecturer specialising in History and Civilisations.

- Wednesday 21st October
Guillaume Budé
By Sylvie Le Chech, Director of Science at the Fontainbleau site, National Archives.

- Wednesday 4th November
Tudor England
By Bernard Cottret, Professor of Modern History, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

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Exhibition of national interest 2009Exhibition of national interest 2009